My Meaningful Media


My own meaningful media is mobile. It can be no other—not only because of its usability and the impact it has on different industries, but because it is democratizing everything. Today we see that universal access to mobile, and the behavioral changes it has generated, have created a new, on-demand economy.

Mobile’s growth and penetration is overwhelming. In some markets, including my own, there are more mobile phones than people. Amazing, right?

I see it this way: The smartphone has become the first screen for all. We now use it for on-demand healthcare, on-demand transportation, on-demand ticketing, on-demand content, on-demand logistics, on-demand laundry, on-demand food delivery, on-demand groceries, on-demand repairs, on-demand courses, on-demand cleaning, on-demand pet care, on-demand anything. I could go on forever.

Today mobile is making our lives more efficient, giving us greater access to information and products, as well as solutions to virtually every problem. In short, the on-demand economy has become a powerful driver of mobile commerce.

Mobile has turned digital consumers into quantum users.

Now a brief reflection: As marketers and communications specialists, are we taking full advantage of this screen today? Some of our clients see mobile as a synonym for business because of the screen’s potential. I think we, as advertising specialists, should see mobile as a working tool to: [use numbers not bullets for following points]

  1. Understand people’s behavior at a deep and personal level
  2. Target custom-crafted offers and experiences to people at an individual level
  3.  Develop and deliver platforms and campaigns with high precision and efficiency

Five companies that understand this clearly practically control the public’s use of mobile through different strategic business pillars: Amazon (consumption), Apple (connectivity, technology), Facebook and Instagram (aspiration, social networks), Google (information search), and Netflix (content consumption on demand). It is fascinating how indispensable their business models have made them.

Returning to our role, I think we should understand that mobile is not an advertising channel but an access device. If the advertising that is generated in digital or on mobile devices is irrelevant to the target, it goes unnoticed.

Given the results of our global Meaningful Brands study—which found that people would not mind if 74% of brands were to disappear overnight—I always ask my clients what would happen if their brand disappeared. Then I ask, “What is your brand doing to be part of the mobile ecosystem? How is it unfolding there? Can you easily access it? Can people interact with it? Is it friendly? Is it relevant?”

Also, those who manage brands are thinking about millennials—1.8 billion people, tremendous spending power, first wave of digital natives. And wait a moment…now Gen Z is coming. They’ll make up nearly a third of the world’s population by 2020. More realistic than optimistic millennials, perhaps, but similarly short attention spans and a desire for instant gratification. What a challenge, right?

More challenges: What about voice? Voice takes action in moments of relevance, since to speak of mobile is to speak of artificial intelligence. Are we already thinking about this challenge (e.g., with Verge and Alexa)? [Clarify meaning of this paragraph?]

This growth in mobile consumption is generating another important product: data! We must use this resource to get to know people better, to build long-term relationships, to stay relevant. In Latin America, only 14% of companies make their decisions based on data. To some, making use of this data may sound unnecessarily complicated—until they start seeing results in their business. Our mission is to help our clients get the most out of the new digitized, multi-channel, multi-experience business model in which data is the new currency and a strategic asset. But, well, that’s an idea for another article. See you soon….