Eclectic. The word to describe not only my saved song list on Spotify, but also the array of things I actually care about or will sacrifice my limited time for. Read any of my group chats on WhatsApp, and you will get the gist—taking the piss out of each other, sharing the latest sports videos, who’s been dumped on Love Island…but then up pops the old Tango ads (“You know when you’ve been Tangoed”), shared by a long-lost mate from school, which leads me down a ridiculous rabbit hole on YouTube. Completely random.
Most of these things I won’t remember or even save to watch later. If it’s there I might take a look, but you have to look at what I actually care about to see what media is meaningful to me. Any outlet that can update me on what the cricket scores are in the County Championship Division II is my media best mate. That’s why ESPNcricinfo is the most-used app on my phone. Not only can I track a favorite team that might be playing a warm-up match in the middle of nowhere, I can also be updated ball by ball. I don’t think I could function without BBC Sport or Sky Sports news—they’re the go-to every morning, and I will read every single article.
I love music. I am particularly handy if there is a “What’s the next lyric?” round in a pub quiz. And my love for music has only grown as I’ve been able to listen to a wider range. CDs and even downloading copious songs onto my old iPod didn’t let me do that. Spotify really does, and I now count myself as a country music fan, indie has grown on me, and I can listen to the latest musical soundtrack without having to pay £200 to actually go and see the production.
If you’re willing to make accessing my interests as easy as possible, provide me with more information and options around those areas, and make sure what I’m shown is of the highest quality—then you will be meaningful to me.