More than 250 million people live in a country they were not born in, myself included, and many of us are a little homesick. We miss our families, friends, and food (not necessarily in that order). And as a French person living in the US and currently sitting at his desk on a Friday afternoon in August, I’m obviously missing the number of vacation days….
Media is one way to keep me connected to my country. And the media that matters most to me is any one that transports me back home.
Magazines: I read Le Point. Newspapers: I definitely check the Le Figaro app more than the NYTimes app. Movies: I am “borrowing” a French iTunes password to watch movies I actually would probably not even consider if I was living back in Paris. Radio: I give my son his breakfast while listening to France Info. Books: I make sure to go to the only French library in New York to buy French novels and, of course, an Asterix each time to rebuild my collection. Podcasts: I start my day with Nicolas Canteloup’s Revue de Presque. When I want to feel smart, I listen to France Culture podcasts…but that doesn’t happen very often. Music: I am not ashamed to admit I was pretty excited that Jean-Jacques Goldman finally made it to Spotify this very morning.
I know I might have taken it too far, and yet the list is even longer. I guess TV is my only weakness…but then, you’d understand if you knew French TV.
Media does not get more meaningful than this: It is a connector to who I am and where I come from. To me, it is engaging, influential, and although I’m clearly biased, I trust it more. It is obviously extremely personal but this is what Meaningful Media is—a deeper, personal connection to things we care about.